The Mushroom Queen

Against his better judgement, Alya drank the strange pink liquid.  It was sweet and chalky, two things that no chuyinka could stand, but he pretended.  As soon as he swallowed, however, he choked on it.  He tried to spit it out, but what he felt instead were tentacles crawling up his throat and out his…

Королева Грибов

Вопреки его здравому смыслу, Аля выпил странную розовую жидкость. Она была сладкой и меловой, две черты, которые ни одна чуйинка не могла вынести, но он притворялся. Однако, как только он проглотил его, то поперхнулся. Он попытался выплюнуть это, но вместо этого почувствовал, как щупальца ползут вверх по его горлу и выходят изо рта. Он схватил…

In Over My Head Again

Hoo boy, I've done it again! I tried making something simple, and then over-complicated it, with my best excuse by far being nothing more than "distraction." As some of you may know, I post on Hive a lot more frequently then I do here, and I document almost everything that I'm working on, though for…

I’m Moving!

I'm moving part of my blog, that is. After due consideration, I have decided to move all of my opinion pieces to a new blog, titled "Sasha V's Sesquipedalian Soliloquies," where I will be writing under the name "Alexander the Varangian," which I have hinted at before. For the record, "Karel Janáček" is just a…

More Warning Signs of Mass Psychosis: Vicious Lemmings

I know at least some of you reading this actually had the unpleasant experience of growing up in the Soviet Union, so you already know just how vicious the "sheep" can be. Personally, I hate the term "sheep" to describe statist bootlicks, I prefer to call them "lemmings." Anyway, while it wasn't my intent to…

Rift Storms and Espers

Rift storms are not the weather of the world. They are unnatural phenomena that twist reality and spread madness. They vary so widely in intensity that particularly severe thunderstorms are sometimes mistaken for mild rift storms, at least by those who are familiar with this little-known aspect of Rossberan occult. Rift storms get their name…